The Morning Gerald is a satirical website which publishes joke and spoof articles. None of it, none of it, is real. It is all a joke. Fiction. Not real. Ok? Goooood.

This website contains bad language and some crass and crude content so you have been warned.

Why? Why?!?

Because I feel that there is a space for more political satire  in these times. The more voices that are heard, the more that can be achieved.

The Onion and The Daily Mash need alternative voices to bring even more stature and humour to the world's political debates and to challenge them and keep their standards high.

Unlike these websites, The Morning Gerald will take an unapologetic liberal stance. Standing on the centre-left of politics, we see it as our duty to hold the right to account and to keep the left honest.

We are also looking to raise the participation in comedy of those with mental health problems. It is still a stigma that refuses to go away. We aim to encourage contributions from funny people who have mental health issues and the editor of this publication is amongst them.

And we will do all of this through knob gags.

Regular Characters

Our office worker / call centre advisor / person who has a job is Ash Kennedy. The name lends itself to either gender within articles which is convenient. Named for our 10,000th follower on twitter, Ash Kennedy (@AshAlkofalyth).

Our academic covering every discipline known to humanity and even some that aren't is Professor Charles Langtree of The Felchfield Institute. Both are obviously fictional. We slapped ourselves on the back when coming up with The Felchfield Institute. Because it has felching in it. And we are puerile children like that.

The Morning Gerald is:

Editor, Deputy Editor, Head Writer, Graphic Designer, Researcher and Tea Maker: Andrew Myers

Writers / Contributors:

Catherine Johnson (twitter @CatticusJ)
Kelly Myers
Melanie Gayle (twitter @MelanieTGayle)
Philip Ropson